
How to Bring the Most Basic Piano Chords to the Next Level (Video)

So, you’ve learned the most basic piano chords, memorized all of the key signatures and play various songs but now what? If you have followed me in my previous post on Learn Piano Chords in Less Than 10 Minutes,  then you’ve probably played the basic piano chords pretty well by now. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could…

7 Minor Piano Chords That You Should Start With if You’re a Beginner

  The sound of minor chords is often associated with solemnity and sadness. Think Bruno Mars’s, “When I was your man” or Adele’s, “Someone like you. In this post, I am going to show you a couple of minor piano chords which are very popular in a lot of good songs. I will show you how to play…

7 Super Easy Major Piano Chords for Beginners

Dying to learn just some simple major piano chords and start playing the song you love without having to go through the long piano lesson process? Don’t worry, I got ya. In today’s post, I am going to show you how to do that and learn only the things that matter. I will keep it simple so that you can master…