
Discover What is the Famous Piano Scale All About

So, what is scale? Now, think of the piano scale as a ladder. Climbing up the ladder is ascending in pitch while climbing down the ladder is descending in pitch. In this topic, I will show you how piano scales or music scales are formed using some easy formulas. They are not rocket science, trust me. But first….   Why Need to Learn Piano…

How to Bring the Most Basic Piano Chords to the Next Level (Video)

So, you’ve learned the most basic piano chords, memorized all of the key signatures and play various songs but now what? If you have followed me in my previous post on Learn Piano Chords in Less Than 10 Minutes,  then you’ve probably played the basic piano chords pretty well by now. But wouldn’t it be nice if you could…

What is the Mysterious Circle of Fifths All About?

So, what is the circle of fifths? The Circle of Fifths is simply a circle with a smaller circle, letters, sharps and flats in it, no biggy. The bigger circle housed the the 12 major keys and the smaller circle consists of the 12 minor keys in music while the sharps and flats are the key signatures of these keys. So far so good? Now…